LHF Oil Painting Gallery,having been running for years, owns over 50 full-time professional painters and keep in touch with different kinds of style painters. We have great ability to deal with orders from abroad or at home. We can also produce various paintings in bulk with high quality, reasonable price and timely supply.
We have the capacity of producing over 3500paintings per month. Our main business is to provid domestic or foreign galary, merchant, home, hotel etc with wall decoration,oil-painting service,and cooperation with international trade Comp oil-painting production. The service ranges from the reproduction of the original and well-knowen oil painting, the producing if portrait to the collection for merchant,export etc. All the works with newly styles are done by manuscription. Products with high quality, art value etc are very popular in Europ,US, Southeast Asia and China mainland.
We serve every client with the principle--Surviving in quality , developing in honesty . Since 2002, we have been online for business and got all kinds of customers support & trust from abroad and home . All the works are selling well in the world.